Outta Theatre is excited to announce a new program designed specifically for students who have shown a strong commitment and dedication to Outta Theatre’s programs and core values. It will offer more intensive and exclusive training opportunities apart from the regular classes. Students will also be able to explore their skills and interest in areas of leadership, backstage, directing, teaching, producing, lights, sound, props, costumes, and more. This upcoming year will be split into 5 sessions as indicated below. This program is by invitation only. However, families may inquire about their status and eligibility.
Session 1: Sept 10-Nov 2
Students will attend weekly Thursday training 5:30-8:30 PM. They will also help produce the fall play, The Framed Artist Mystery. A few of them may be called upon to act, while others will be wait staff in the museum interacting with the audience. Others may also be part of a live statue or portrait gallery exhibit or helping behind the scenes as needed. Please see schedule. Make sure you scroll down to the second page for the theatre schedule. Encore students will not necessarily be required to be at every play rehearsal. It depends on what involvement they have. Please note that this play will be approximately 45 minutes (for reference, Zamok Castle was close to 2 hours 10 minutes).
Students particularly interested in teaching may help assist with the Little Kids Theatre class, as well. There will be a week off after the play.
Session 2: Nov 12-January 25
No class Thanksgiving weekend or December 19-January 13.
TThe Encore students will rehearse for their own production, primarily on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with additional rehearsals on January 18 and 22. The performance will be January 23-25, and will be approximately one hour. This will be the first “exclusive” play in Outta Theatre history! There will be two weeks off after this performance. During that second week, there will be auditions and possibly a Bootcamp intensive (not required, but they may attend if they choose).
Session 3: Feb 11-April 15
The Encore students will merge with the regular track and not have separate meetings. All hands on deck for our main combined production of the year April 10-12! There will be a cast party the following week, then there will be a 3 week break.
Session 4: May 6-June 14
Encore resumes on its own. They will continue to hone their skills, perhaps have a special guest workshop teacher or something else. They may also join the mime class that will be preparing to hopefully perform at Strawberry Days on June 7 or elsewhere. The Encore program will conclude sometime in June.
Session 5: July-August
No Encore program. There will be summer camps for the students to enjoy together! The tentative dates will be the week of June 16 and the week of July 28. Note: Tentative start date for next school year is the last week of August.