As part of the Grove City Artology, Come and join us for this 3-day Workshop! Running dates are: May 4, 11, 18 from 3:30pm to 5pm.
Physical Theatre Workshop
Class 1 of 3: Props and Illusions
This class will explore the world of mime illusion and prop manipulation. Using engaging games and activities, students will learn how to interact with both tangible and invisible objects. Not only will we learn classics like “the wall,” but we will even discover how to create our own illusions. Students will also learn how to reimagine uses for props and methods for manipulation, such as giving them a life of their own. We will create a short exploratory piece to present at the end of the third workshop.
Parents are invited to come to the last 15 minutes of the third workshop to see the presentation of the pieces learned. While not ideal, if a student is unable to attend all three workshops, they will be integrated into the presentation in whatever ways possible.
$35/all 3 classes
Ages: 8 to 16